big stupid brain

I will forever adore her for being in a (flawed but there was an attempt) Stanislaw Lem adaptation, The Congress. That cannot have paid jack, and it makes me even happier to know that she digs in her heels for money when there is money to be had. To me that’s the line between greed and self-respect — she’s not going

It’s defensive camouflage. She thinks making herself less than a ten will keep Trump’s stubby little fingers off her pussy.

I’m still incredibly bitter that I got a world-class STEM education, loved the subject, excelled in my field, scholarships and honors out the wazoo ... only to slam my face repeatedly into the brick wall of a hostile corporate world.

Fucking fuck. I actually spent a while thinking, “Weird that whiteness would be a problem when he’s OK marrying a WOC smarter than he is” and scrolled down several more comments before the actual insinuation finally crept up on me like the shadow of a looming Trump.

Until the image loaded I was expecting another Trump article.

Fair, I am not enough of a follower of the insider baseball to know who tf Liz Mair is and assumed she was yet another celebutante talking out her ass about things she was free to disclose at any time.

Oh yeah, that predates Trump. Roosh Vorek. He says it’d be a “learning experience” for women. To get raped. Yep.

I mean we also have the shithead MRAs arguing that rape should be legal on private property (because they don’t seem to be aware that women can own property in this day and age, including their own bodies).

This is starting to get right up my nose. We have less than a month to go. Shit or get off the pot.

I guffawed.

we kid because we love <3

Ergh, you’re right. Rescinded. :( Oh internet, why must you crush all my dreams. The Trudeau bromance was such a bright spot while it lasted.

I’m on board if there’s Obama gay porn out there, 100% would watch.

My dad built a harpsichord for my mother and she played it ... sort of, kind of.

e: mistaken identity I think

Here’s what I don’t understand: if it’s so beneficial to make up false assault accusations against any innocent famous person, where are all the allegations that Hillary groped and tongued women? It’s not like the Trump base would find it implausible that she’s a lesbian, so... why not?

Riiight on schedule.

Depressing that some corner of my mind did wonder, “Why only come forward now? Why not sooner?” And then the last few years of news articles blaming and humiliating every single victim of sexual assault all zipped by in a fast-forward montage like pages flying off the calendar and I remembered, “Oh yeah... That’s why.”

Do not know about the OP but it’s common in the UK

Something covered by a heinous amount of ~fancy~ silver leaf so that its biggest fans would eventually turn permanently blue and we’d all be able to avoid them easily.