big stupid brain

Love how he pulls “Bill ACTUALLY abused women, I just thought about it, joked about it, and also did it” when he’s the one who raped his wife because she didn’t warn him scalp surgery would be painful.

Now playing

The title just makes me get this song stuck in my head, which is not scary, but is difficult to cure.

Where? Where are they depicted dragging off male robots and raping said robots while those robots cry and scream for mercy? Is that really a thing the female guests are shown to do? Because you and I appear to have watched VERY different TV shows.

The network has faced a large amount of criticism for its gratuitous sexual violence in recent shows, and it opens its new show with gratuitous sexual violence. I wish I shared your optimism, because otherwise I enjoyed the pilot and would like to keep watching. Still, that scene made me roll my eyes and go “OH COME

He 100% raped her. I think the issue of raping robots is not so much one of robotic consent — as the creators seem to be trying to sideline things — but of portraying the Man in Black as a totally sick fuck who gets off on having power over powerless “things,” whether they be robot or woman.

Not nearly frequent enough for some pearls who shall remain nameless, amirite?

I was bothered by the star of david for only as long as it took to notice the hemorrhoid pillows over her boobs. And not just once, either!

Counterpoint: “Santa just IS white, you guys.”

Except that he actually is a fool, an obsessive, and a basket case.

Literally everyone and everything I used to love is dead or dying, and I’m 30. It’s amazing how few fucks can be given under those circumstances but I can’t say I recommend the experience. Cherish your fucks. You might miss them one day.

I’d rather watch that movie. But there aren’t many things I wouldn’t watch Tim Curry have sex with, if I’m being honest.

When my family was getting ready to move overseas to a land of squat toilets, part of “orientation” was consulting with a health expert (who advised against women sitting down in the bath, for water quality reasons).