I got some shred of understanding of the depth of this a few years ago. I was a faculty proctor for my school’s Model UN group. We went to a MUN event in Boston, a huge conference with something like 5000 students from multiple countries, including several schools from China. One school from China checked in, a group…
My understanding though is that it extends beyond just ‘recognizing’ them as country/principality/state/whatever to the point now where even saying the words is enough to cause these fits. I am curious why this is painted with such a light brush. The implications of refusing to even acknowledge the existence of a…
From Hobby Lobby’s Live-Laugh-Loot collection!
there is absolutely no quick way to answer this like at all. at least with Hong Kong you can google all the unrest they had in 2019. for taiwan the extremely quick and dirty reason is china considers taiwan as apart of its state. as far as they’re concerned there IS NO taiwan at all. its why when taiwan participates…
Can someone give a quick overview of why the CCP is so bonkers crazy about Hong Kong and Taiwan? My US-centric education is failing me.
Not surprised that Kim & Kanye are the physical embodiment of Hobby Lobby looting another country’s treasure.
There HAS to be some level of drinking or drugs involved in this, right? Just lie to me if not; I can’t accept this is the outcome of sober thinking
Michigan gets snow.
“We only have one colored in our town.”
I’m starting to get Michigan and Mississippi confused.
That’s when Obama’s reverse discrimination was dividing the country. Trump fixed all that.
Hardly “people’s”, more like just americans.
anyone that can reelect a turtle to senate that many times has got to be a bit addled.
I’ve never understood how some people’s brains just completely melt when they stumble upon a traffic circle. They’re really not very hard! And when people follow them correctly they’re far preferable to a set of lights.
Well, it *is* Kentucky.
The police should set up a combination DUI checkpoint/mental health screening checkpoint there; there’s no way those people aren’t drunk, high, or severely addled.
Not sure I would call that buff? Seems like he just lost a ton of weight instead.