Big Oil and the Dorito Lobby

lol. All I need season 2 to do is have at least 1 episode on par with the quality of Zima Blue thats it.

It didn’t take itself too seriously, which helped a LOT.

There’s a scene in the first one where Tom Hardy jumps into a lobster tank in the middle of a fancy seafood restaurant to cool himself down.

Honestly the first one was fairly entertaining.  Wasnt perfect but interesting how they went about it without including Spider-Man.

This looks actively entertaining and now I feel tempted to finally watch the first one. Harrelson looks like a better pick on screen than I would’ve given him credit for.

I’m glad they leaned into the comedy element for this trailer instead of trying to disguise it as super serious horror.

That’s a pretty pricey car. Be a real shame if something happened to it.

I have reviewed the tape and I do not think it conclusively shows that he was wearing pants. 

He’s a Republican State Senator and presumably opposes the fundamental concept of actually governing, so you can argue he wasn’t actually multitasking.

Exactly, this is another case of “fine for me because I’m a special boy, but we gotta pass a law to prevent the others from doing this”

Yeah, it’s almost like these guys have no idea what they’re doing.

You’d think a legislator involved in making laws about distracted driving would be familiar with a least some of the abundant scientific literature showing that people who think they’re multitasking are in fact doing two or more things less well than they’d do only one and that I wasn’t distracted” is almost never,

This is the very low bar we now have set when you can actually state of an elected official, “well at least he had his pants on.”

I got some shred of understanding of the depth of this a few years ago. I was a faculty proctor for my school’s Model UN group. We went to a MUN event in Boston, a huge conference with something like 5000 students from multiple countries, including several schools from China. One school from China checked in, a group

My understanding though is that it extends beyond just ‘recognizing’ them as country/principality/state/whatever to the point now where even saying the words is enough to cause these fits. I am curious why this is painted with such a light brush. The implications of refusing to even acknowledge the existence of a

From Hobby Lobby’s Live-Laugh-Loot collection!

there is absolutely no quick way to answer this like at all. at least with Hong Kong you can google all the unrest they had in 2019. for taiwan the extremely quick and dirty reason is china considers taiwan as apart of its state. as far as they’re concerned there IS NO taiwan at all. its why when taiwan participates

Can someone give a quick overview of why the CCP is so bonkers crazy about Hong Kong and Taiwan? My US-centric education is failing me.

Not surprised that Kim & Kanye are the physical embodiment of Hobby Lobby looting another country’s treasure.

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The animation for their trailers has always been top notch; I hope they can keep that level of quality.