
I’m sorry, did you seriously just lord your status on kinja over somebody? For real?

Burneko with the mic drop. Research suggests championship teams don’t build by losing and accumulating lottery picks. You have to build a winning culture first and the Process is antithetical to that. These guys look supremely talented in paper but I’ll believe it when I see it on the court. Losing teams seem to find

Staying healthy is a talent too. Perhaps that’s the insight that’s eluded many of them?


He’s coming to a great situation. Little Kevvy Draper assures me the Clippers’ bench is already aces.

Also, lunch is a code for sex. The kinky kind. Many people are saying this too.

Also, Robert Mueller had sex with your wife.

Gotta say this thing’s a godsend for me. Not the best choice maybe for people looking to taper their haircuts. But for a simple, even shave of the head, it’s perfect. Faster than regular clippers too.

Gotta say this thing’s a godsend for me. Not the best choice maybe for people looking to taper their haircuts. But

Wrong. Steph is affordable because the Warriors took a calculated risk and signed him to a long extension at below market value. The Dubs did more than just “strike gold in the draft.” They are a smart, savvy organization that built a winning culture and managed salary with an eye towards adding Durant years before it

Fossilized bugs can’t hurt me.

I know! Anyone who doesn’t get hard as a nail at Gal Gadot is either gay or joking. Amiright guys? Guys ... ?

“Yessir. It’s Giuliani Time.”

They “cross paths” because the cable companies expressly make their pricing dependent. That’s not true of electricity and cable. You don’t pay less for cable just because you have electricity, too.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet have the same ammo as Nixon’s investigators did. Remember, the GOPee members of the Watergate committee were poised to vote AGAINST impeachment right up until the tapes came out. It took that kind of evidence to get them to do the right thing.

Good thing he’s not on the Clipper bench. Dude would never see the court.

Don’t forget political coverage! The Freedom Caucus and “moderates”* get to go on record as being for or against the bill, while punting the whole thing over to the Senate to deal with.

Good point. Coffee “cups” are usually 5-6 oz. One of the biggest problems brewing coffee is there’s no standardized measure of cups.

Ninth Circuit district judge

Jason Heyward’s swing is the Clippers bench of baseball. ;)

Mosin Nagant. Hands down.