
I had exactly the same experience in Ireland lol!

It’s tricky but you adjust quickly. I had to drive a stick-shift left-handed around Ireland. The main issue I had was with traffic circles (there are lots) but I think that was mostly in my head. Of course, I did hit someone on the way to returning the car to the rental co., but it totally wasn’t my fault.

You gonna eat that bro?

Apologies if I missed something, but why are we so sure this is Louie’s fault? Do we know he wrote the sketch?

I don’t think the clown performing for one lonely adult is an idea that is impossible to reach by 2 separate people.

“Why would the ambassador do such a thing?”

Burneko, you’re a beast. And I mean that in the best way possible.

Whoa. Flashback to those Maury Povich babies in the ‘90s.

Should’ve signed the Clippers bench.

Because he was intoxicated in public. Just like he would have been cited for public nudity if he’d been naked in the passenger seat.

You think this is about food snobbery? For real? That’s even dumber than the guy who claims nobody uses vinegar in sushi rice in the U.S. Also, FYI, lots of Mexicans love sushi too. Really just a clueless comment all around.

Hang on. There is more than one sushi restaurant in Los Angeles alone that uses vinegar in their rice.

Don’t put metal in the science oven Kellyanne!

Your argument would be more compelling if Kawahi’s defense wasn’t way down this year according to just about every metric, advanced or otherwise. The reason for the decline is because he’s shouldering a much larger load on offense than years past. Ironically, therefore, the case for Kawahi as MVP is based on offense

Isn’t that just defining deviancy down though?

They should hire the Clippers bench. Right little Kevvy?

Should’ve traded for the Clipper bench. Eh, Kev?

Not snow boots specifically, but my Vasque Sundowners kept my feet warm and dry through many snowy winters in CT and MA.

Not snow boots specifically, but my Vasque Sundowners kept my feet warm and dry through many snowy winters in CT and

The reviews citing the broken plastic deterred me too.

The reviews citing the broken plastic deterred me too.

Sad to say, drugs don’t improve the OA.