
from a WoD perspective, it’s impossible, the hyper-gaia forces in the Werewolf are incompatible with the curse of cain. From a D&D perspective, though, while technically it’s not possible, that kind of amplifying a monster’s threat level by putting in two monster-types of abilities into it, D&D loves that. see:

Based solely on one episode of the Real Ghostbusters, I’m fairly confident that Werewolf + Vampire = Gargoyles.

I drove one of these around Iceland for a week... and I’ve been chasing that feeling since. Racing through downtown Reykjavik in a base model, manual Fiesta to make it to a toilet before my wife s*** her pants from a surprisingly  strong cup of coffee will forever be a favorite memory! Lol

Driving slow cars fast is so much more enjoyable than driving a fast car slow; that’s one reason I got rid of my M5. This is where Miatas excel. I have an Mr2 Spyder now. It only has 138hp, but its size, weight (2195lbs), gearing, and mid engine, rear wheel drive design make it a blast to drive through the mountains

The 318 is to this day the worst car I’ve ever driven. It’s not just slow, it’s absurdly slow. It’s dangerously slow. It is literally on par with the Cadillac Cimarron as worst execution of an entry level car by a high end marque. Coupled with the most painful exhaust note in the history of combustion, the seats are

This. One of the main annoyance when it was CBS All Access. Emailed the devs and made it the main review on Google Play. This was years ago and no change. Sadly the switch was just name only (which it was) so it might be a miracle to get them finally do it.

It has NO watch list. In 2021. Who makes a streaming service without a “To Watch” or Favorites list?

The traffic jam and piles of bodies in the tunnel were the result of a military blockade at the opposite end, where US soldiers were gunning down anyone who attempted to leave the city.

While those ideas are what part of what made The Boys an interesting comic book, they end up making Amazon’s live-action adaptation of the series feel somewhat hypocritical because,’s Amazon.

I’m going to assume you didn’t actually watch/read the series.

I mean, you would have the same problem if the show aired on ABC — which is owned by Disney. Really, the show is made by people, while it is funded by a corporation and that’s something that happens to a lot of media, most of it these days, actually. But the message of the show isn’t diluted because it’s made by

But absent any other notices, if you close at 10 and I stroll in at 9:58, I expect to be served as any other customer.

The phrase my family uses in situations like these is, “That’s not acceptable.” Even tone of voice, but firm. No apologies, either. Repeat ad nauseum.

This. Right. Here. The only way I would have hung up is if they disconnected the call first. Stay firm, don’t raise your voice, curse or call them out of their name but stay with it until you get your ticket and/or money back. You are NOT going to take money from me and we not have a 9+ hour conversation about it.

Two comments. 1. The no-show policy has been a thing for a long time. 2. There is no airline rule the airlines will not waive unless doing so would violate FAA regulations.

Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?

Because people are dumb and think it’s worth it?

Do you clean your shower/tub every day? Because if not you’re still bathing in some (however small) amount of dirt from your previous showers.

I think the wipe worked but her gut remembered. At one point she said him calling so soon almost blew it. Would not take much to tip that balance.

My guess is that the new Jedi order that will be founded by Rey will abandon the Jedi name and will be called “Skywalkers.”

THE RISE OF SKYWALKER?! If the Skywalker they’re talking about is Rey -- after they did the best thing they possibly could by freeing her of that shackle and making her her own character -- then I’m out.