
It’s absolutely 100% not trump. It’s also not AI. It’s some dude doing a crap impression of trump and riffing Crank Yankers style. trump posting it to truth social means nothing, as trump’s whole goal is to muddy the waters.

1. That’s clearly not Trump.
2. These are the dumbest people on the planet.
3. Their voters are even dumber somehow. 

If you throw a cooler at someone engaging in reckless driving of an ebike on a sidewalk and kill them you will be committing manslaughter, in the least. You seem to be in the 2 wrongs makes a right category.

So, we should kill every asshole that rides their ebike and electric scooter on the sidewalk?

Fun fact, “what ifs” aren’t enough for death penalties. It’s a tough standard for victim-blamers to grasp, but not killing people and letting our judicial system process criminals is the right way to do it.

Crashing people turns them and their vehicles into uncontrolled missiles, so that only increased the danger to bystanders.  It could’ve been a person and not a tree that the guy was splattered against.

I’m not familiar with New York law, so maybe they have a law that makes “getting away” punishable by death.

Yes. It is well established that police cannot kill someone merely for running from them.

There’s nothing that makes this act acceptable. The only outcome would have been severe injury or death. Unfortunately, police are rarely held to the same standard as the general public and he’ll claim immunity and will be supported by the union and chain of command.

Wait, I was told that the most important war is the war against capitalism. Was I misinformed?

A movie so good, they have to give tickets away for people to see it.  

This sparks joy.

Good god, it’s a real freakshow tonight.

Jesus christ, people.

let’s just agree that we don’t need to really say anything, and let the incel community devour itself naturally.

Emotional Support Chevy C10 for eye bleach purposes. 

You don’t have to waste your life lying like this, fool.

It boggles my mind that people still believe this thing will get approved by the DOT and manufactured in any meaningful way. Why anyone would support meme lord douchbag Elon is beyond me.

Found Elon’s alt.