
And I’d only just taught my boss that his keyboard had TWO Ctrl keys.

Boss: That doesn’t work
Me: OK, try the other Ctrl key, maybe there’s dust under it or something
Boss: <Long pause> Ohhh would you look at that! I never noticed that before.

The dickless wonder with negative self-esteem that would buy this could care less about the repair expense. They’ll probably brag about it.

You don’t think there’s a difference between an F150 grill and the sharp pointed beak of the Cybertruck?

Of course they are making it to the news. Here’s a quick one just on this very site you are reading.

You don’t get to call something a double standard simply because you willfully ignore the hundreds of studies and articles done that say the exact same things about regular full size pick ups.

“See where the edge of the hood is? It’s roughly where this guy’s stomach is. By comparison, the typical 4x4 trucks I see have hood edges that are often a foot or more higher.”

If these “experts” are “concerned” about the Cybertruck, then they should also be “concerned” about trucks like these

These studies have made it into the news for years. It’s just that people gloss over them or ignore them until Tesla forced their hand.

Are you kidding? There’s literally been studies that show trucks are more lethal to pedestrians and other cars. The experts are saying that the LowPolyTruck will be even worse due to its particular design.

this would be wildly popular in the usa

I never finished Season 1. The USNC stuff I thought was mostly pretty solid, everything else was pretty bad. I got up through episode 7, the only all Kwan episode, and it is easily one of the single worst hours of scripted television I have ever seen in my 42 years. It was so bad that I dropped the show entirely and

Has he tried not being a cunt?

I won’t bother to engage

I don’t think Telsa is stupid enough to release a car looking like the black cybertruck in the pics above.

Just because the government gives you a coupon, that doesn’t mean you get to quote a lower MSRP. 

Is the $30,000 Model 3 in the room with us now?


Will people still be excited enough about a seven-year-old design?”

Is it for sale yet? No.

Oh a communist, huh?