
Now that MW2 is out, I haven’t touched BF2042. They will have to add a bunch of new stuff for me to come back any time soon.

I’m surprised Musk didn’t get his own account banned for not marking it as “parody”

Just as a side note, Elon Musk is marked as the “richest man in history” but that’s very unlikely to be true. Excluding kings and dictators, the richest private individual in history is believed to be Jakob Fugger, a German merchant and investor from the 16th century.

It’s your “neckbeard and body pillow” moment mate, grow up and understand the century you live in.

If any musk rat thinks I’m going to reply them out of the greys they have another thing coming.

I liked RATM better before they were all about woke politics and just let the music do the talking.

He is not alone.

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

there were in fact speed limits so the sign lied

Well he figured out how to land rockets back on earth after launching them and figured out how make electric cars

No, "he" didn't.

Taking bets on Hercules showing up?? I got 5 down. 

The main demographic for this third film the studio was targeting are those very “woke people” as you slight them, the young adults who still felt a childhood connection for this franchise and world despite the bump of the previous film not being received particularly well. It’s why all the marketing for this film

It opened in Europe a week earlier, when the RT score was still in the mid 60s (the verified audience score is almost double than for the prior film). The overwhelming critical consensus was that it was notably better than Crimes of Grindelwald and was getting the franchise back on track. Despite that the box office

If it was a tiny drop that’d be one thing. Here however despite stronger critical and audience reception it’s lost business to the tune of millions in many areas where there was significant public backlash to her comments.

I think you’d be surprised just how much of a cultural moment JK Rowling’s attack on transpeople was for younger people, at least in the UK (trans-rights in the last two-three years has basically become the major generation dividing issue in terms of social views in the UK now).

You are technically correct, the best kind of correct! As I live in the northwest suburbs (no way could I have 14 cars in Chicago ) I’ve been to Northerly Island just a few times. I would agree with your assessment.

Bravo on the selection of the image. A++. I do believe it provides proper context through a glimpse at the kind of world this deranged stockpiler of nauseating wealth inhabits.

Accepted! I’ll see myself out. 

They should’ve stuck with Grant Gustin because when it comes to public behavior it seems he’s...
Better than Ezra.