
Fingers crossed 

So does this mean now that all of the morons complaining about fake news and censorship will just all go and delete their accounts on the “bad” apps?

It is bonkers, and it totally shouldn’t, but I think this is one of the rare projects and specials that might actually get the money. Against all sense, reason, and sanity, I’m voting NP. With the caveat that it’ll be waiting on the shelf for a while for the right buyer, but when that buyer comes along they will go

LMFAO, “socialist”. You don’t know what a socialist is. Why don’t you go back to worshipping Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin like T***p does. All you commies should stick together while you can.

What I still can’t wrap my head around is why the Russian incursion into Ukraine is suddenly news; Russia invaded Ukraine nearly 10 years ago. We’ve even been fighting a proxy war over there using Blackwater for nearly just as long.

Your comment makes no sense, is ill-informed, and you can’t spell.

You’re certainly right about America’s hat, cause as my mom says, you lose 90% of your heat from an uncovered head, but how does shutting down a pipeline that never existed raise gas prices.

Truck driver here and fuck all these whiny babies who don't want to be required to eat their vegetables. My company has all freight to Canada embargoed right now because of this nonsense. They can kiss my fully vaccinated and boosted ass. I work with a bunch of anti government types who won't get the shot but they are

Tucker Carlson every day: I’m a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt.

Of all the industries that are potentially threatened by automation, trucking is among the most vulnerable. That’s something like 3.36m blue collar jobs that pay relatively well and don’t involve body-destroying labor.

Where in VAERS does it show deaths from vaccines? I’m having trouble finding it.


That’s what happens when you fall behind on your rural community spay and neuter program.

It bums me out that I had to cancel one of my regular Youtubers over this.

Gee... a Conservative in Canada decided that best place to donate to Nazi protestors would be... a Christian controlled website.

Hell, this story broke after he talked about how only people from Africa should be called “Black” because all we are is shades of tan and brown, right? Tan and brown and OMG I’M IN A SCARY NEIGHBORHOOD OF...

Again why would that matter? And why would it be any better?

Agreed, but I suspect he holds these beliefs in much the same way that Rush Limbaugh holds his beliefs: That is, who knows what his original beliefs were, but by now he has embraced what he says every day as his livelihood. He’s an entertainer, and this is his shtick.

No, the fuck he’s not.

He and Kimmel certainly took different paths after retiring The Man Show; Kimmel seems like a good-natured guy that grew-up and actually gave a shit about people, but Rogan obviously refused to ever put himself in other peoples’ shoes, and it shows.