
Fear porn is what the open carry, book banning, & anti-voting rights people are consuming.

Why don’t governments recognize natural immunity which offer better protection?”

I have no problem doing that, but this is not the hill to die on that they think it is, although they just might die because they chose this hill.

Man... projection has just become a staple of the right, hasn’t it.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

What’s the point of forced vaccination if it doesn’t do anything besides lessen symptoms and severity.”

What the fuck are you talking about? Should we feel sympathy for the morons badgering school board members about mask mandates/CRT/trans books/whatever the flavor of the week is? The ones fighting airline attendants because they don’t like the rules? Should we just give them hugs? Or are they ghosts, manufactured by

They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.

Haha they didn’t even shit on the band they jammed 3 song titles into a few opening sentences. Don’t clutch your checkerboard pearls so hard.

So you’re saying you ignore all stoplights and stop signs then? Because not all stoplights and stop signs are 100% effective 100% of the time at stopping wrecks, I’m therefore assuming you believe its your right to ignore them completely as being useless.

Other than keep countless people out of the hospital / 6 feet under the ground.

I really wanted a 4x4 E-350 (8 or 9 passenger version rather than camper) for my “adventure vehicle” but good luck finding one on a budget. Went with a well-used Suburban instead for less than a third of the money and not sorry with my choice. These are really cool vehicles, though.

People are defrauded all the time.

Exactly. The science quite *CLEARLY* indicates that people are *STILL* infectious after 5 days. *LESS* infectious is not the same as not infectious, and since Omicron is far more infectious than other variants, this puts it at roughly the *SAME* level of infectiousness, after five days, as all previous strains were at

Not taking unnecessary risks is the core of that.

Please upgrade to Cat 6 for higher speed.

We got her January 1, and this was January 6. I wish I could say this was only to be near me, but my laptop has become her favorite nap spot. I do still think it’s mine because normally my wife’s HP is setup to the left of mine, but Gigi never sleeps on it.

The cat tried to go out Monday after the snow and didn’t approve of it. U-turned and was headed back in by the time I got a camera.

Oh god, that one with the grav hammer was such a pain in the ass. Especially if you walk into it not realizing it’s coming and have shitty weapons. Took me forever.