
**and I’ve gotten through the massive backlog of shows and movies***

I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.

This comment is a good example of why history matters, and how not studying history can lead you to some pretty ignorant conclusions.

They decided to turn it into a global full immersion play. We’ve been in it for nearly 2 years now. 

I feel as if it may be you who doesn’t understand this thing. It would be one thing if the bear impacted an event or competition in which the livelihood of the players were at stake, another entirely if it’s a skilful game that people are taking all too seriously, when really all they’re doing at the moment is just

There are a bunch of angry Bears on the football field at this very moment. I wish they’d calm down and not get so many unsportsmanlike conduct penalties, but I’m mostly fine with it.

These are good recommendations, I’d just add one more:

Have Network Intrusion Prevention systems, ideally something with machine learning that learns the normal patterns of your buisness in monitor mode and then enforces those patterns in active mode— Such a thing will recognize the command-and-control servers of

I work for a Cybersecurity Manufacturer.

Oh boy are you about to be disappointed. Not only have I now written about counterweights, but I’ve also written about blue anodized wheel cylinders:

Anyone reading the facts of the Medusa story knows she got a raw deal. Gets knocked up by Poseidon, Athena blames . . . Medusa? Ok they get it on in Athena’s temple, which is icky, but come on, its a big overreaction to monsterfy the preggo lady because you cant do anything to your Uncle, who should know better.

A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.

Reading is really, really hard though when you’ve got a comment burning a hole in your keyboard.

Fanboy console war bullshit I assume. There are going to be so many kids doing Fortnite dances on Christmas morning because they got a new Xbox to play CoD on and there’s nothing middle aged internet babies can do about it.

I uh.. mentioned all three of those as factors for its success. 

The prevailing theory I’ve heard for many of the game’s problems is that it was originally a battle royale, and shifted mid development to not be that. It makes a lot of sense: no scoreboard, massive open maps with no checkpoint flow, armor plates, even one of the specialist’s ability is to call in a loadout crate.

Goodbye and good riddance.

For those of you pointing out that he made Something Awful, sure. Shitty people make things that end up having elements of good despite them on a regular basis. The world is a better place without Lowtax.

The nice thing about a potato is that it can’t lie to you. It only has 1.1 volts so it literally does not have the energy.

A teenager who learns mirrors are doorways to alternate realities is pursued by an evil entity in the trailer for Portal Runner, coming to VOD December 10.

Do you have any comments from AVClub Gizmodo commenters or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?

Can you trim this down to 140 characters so that it fits within his attention span?