
Wait, are you saying that there is only one rigid political spectrum model out there. And that model can’t be changed no matter what?


I’ll bring you out of the greys because I try to let little trolls who try their heart out have a chance.

Stop calling these assholes Far-Right Extrimists. These people are just the plain ol’ GOP now. When you say Far-Right, you make it sound like it is uncommon.

I reckon before you go for a drive you better put the pans away and cover up the coals or there’s going to be some chaos. Imagine being a driver behind the bus and getting a windshield of hot coals.

It definitely has a cover, but yeah... don’t ever forget it. 

Can we abolish Space Force and fold it back into the rest of the military just to annoy a certain one term president?

Nah. Letitia Wright is a known antivaxxer. Let’s give those types absolutely zero quarter. The production pausing for her injury is probably all for the better, so Coogler and his writers can minimize her screen time. BP can be anyone else in Wakanda as far as I am concerned. Devastatingly disappointed with Wright,

Agreed, that stuck out to me too. Though thinking back on it some of our dorms were rather large and only had one entrance/exit. At least there was a sprinkler system throughout so in case of a fire it would probably be put out quickly while destroying most of your property with that nasty water.

Yeah my biggest concerns are less in the day-to-day living (especially because who spends 24/7 in their dorm room and when you’re there you’re probably sleeping, working, or gaming/whatever) and more in the emergencies, as the article mentions here with only two entrances and around 4500 people inside, it could be a

I am a huge fan of old John Deere tractors but it seems like the modern Deere company is actively trying to be evil.

I have not read her tweets but I do know going through law school and being recognized and awarded while do so and while working is no trivial task. The woman genuinely seems sharp. These type of people tend to toot their horn a bit but it doesn’t make them any less worthy of being protected from undue process and


Counting Cars is fake as hell. There’s no way they come upon those cars randomly. It’s kind of creepy that they case houses looking for cars. If I saw them loitering outside of my residence, I’d grab the nearest weapon. Also, Danny’s support of Trump = automatic channel change whenever I see it on.

I mean how could he turn it down? What with the craft services table they’ve got set up? Take some of that home, add some broth, a potato? Baby you got a stew going.

And more happy his racist homophopic treason supporting co star is gone.

Carl Weathers also revealed he’s now back on the set of The Mandalorian’s third season.

That’s my goal, anyway. That’s my hope.

I dunno, I love Battlelfield and this all just looks and sounds awesome to me. I am fine with going back to the roots of what works. When BF is really at it’s stride in a multiplayer match, no other game matches that feeling for me. And BF5 and BF 1 were both kinda meh. I am just hoping to capture that BF4 feel, which