
I'd feel horrible if a child that cannot get vaccinated got Covid from me. I'd even feel bad for an unvaccinated adult if I gave them Covid, despite it being their fault to not get vaccinated. 

Someone in my neck of the woods took a photo of the opening night crowd at Suicide Squad and it was probably 80% full. The theater nearest me is not even doing social distancing anymore, the COVID info on their site just says to not sit too close to people not in your own party, but they’re not closing seats and not

I’m not worried about getting sick myself, even though breakthrough cases where I am are on the upswing. What concerns me is that vaccinated people still carry viral loads of equivalent size to unvaccinated people, and can still spread virus to others, most likely to unvaccinated people. The longer this thing keeps

This is one of those I wish was doing the simultaneous streaming premiere, because I really want to see it but absolutely no way I’m stuffing into a crowded theater with the maskless & unvaxxed.

Halloween should finally end with Michael Myers being trapped in some kind of industrial press. They smash him into a diamond and everyone thinks it’s over. But, someone takes the Myers diamond and makes it into a ring. Now, everyone who wears the ring kills people like Michael Myers.

Next time you go to the theater, show up in your lounge pants and light up a smoke. Then ask the projectionist to pause the film so that you can hit the bathroom or get snacks. And if you miss some plot point because the mix is terrible or someone is talking, make sure you get them to rewind.

I really do want to see this in the theater,

Huh. So we’re gonna #NotAllMen fandoms now. Cool.

Our hospitals are full and first-responders have been sent home sick. The nearby children’s hospital is almost full and yet people claim it’s not serious. They switch from one lie to another when questioned about being fearful of a vaccine. “I’m not afraid. It’s just that the (10-year) development process seems so

Adding this link in now. Apologies for leaving it out:

I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.

American Fight Pickers, amirite?

Oh man I can’t wait for series 3, TSBIMT is my favourite show. Maybe they’ll feature Scoot McNairy next?

Louder for the antiVaxers in the back please!👍👍👍

I have no intention of setting foot in a theater this year. Back in June that looked like a solid proposition, but the COVID-deniers and anti-vaxxers ruined it for the rest of us. 

Loved The Suicide Squad, but it’s already being written off as a flop due to poor box office. It’s not like we’re in a resurgent pandemic or anyth— oh.

Today in “They should be in More Things”...

Finally someone understands how to use Harley Quinn in a movie properly.

RAM and SSDs are fundamentally electronically different. They both store data, but have completely different physical/electrical designs to do so. The resulting difference is actually captured in “NVMe” — NV = Non-Volatile, i.e. data in NVMe SSDs (and SATA SSDs and spinning hard drives) isn’t lost when the device