
Crystal City is annoying as hell, too. No place to park, no direct bus line from Shirlington... 

This guy gets it!

I dig the new look. It’s a small amount of change the equals a big change in looks. It looks meaner to me, and I dig that

I have an uncle who is a fairly high level Mason. He asked at one point if I had any interest in joining and I just said no thanks. Better things to do with my time then drink with a bunch of old white guys in strange buildings.

So where do I fit in? 6'8" and about 270 lbs or so. Average, right?

Shit man, what part of the country are you in? I would love a group to do that with. I’m in northern Virginia myself

I don’t know, the jeep’s, maybe, but the raptor is too damn expensive to buy and then not use it for what it was made for. That’s just the way I see it, though. I love my raptor and I love taking it up the power line cuts in central Pa, the coal dumps, and even some beach driving. There’s no point having one and not

I mean, who the hell is going to pay the extra money for all the off road stuff and then not take it off road? Where’s the point in that?

I think I’ll stick with my raptor

I saw two of these at the Harrisburg Mecum Auto auction this summer. I had never seen one of these before and it was kind of a cute car. I could my fiance enjoying one on a sunny day tooling around DC. I didn’t see them go through the block, so I don’t know how much they went for, but neat looking little cars

I traded in my 2012 Raptor for a 2017 Raptor, and while I love almost everything about the new truck, I think it sounds like a dying vacuum. I miss the 6.2L rumble the old one had, but I love how much quicker the Ecoboost is

I love my Surface Book 2. Use it for travel and when i telework. Best laptop I have had in a very long time

I may be in the minority here, but I am going to go with “buy a Ford Raptor.” I had a 2012 with just about 50K on the speedometer, traded it in for a new 2017 Raptor, and they gave me just under 40K for the trade. Surprisingly small amount of depreciation on those beasts

It’s a Jacob’s Ladder scenario


I don’t know. I want to get excited but I am very much in the “meh” department right now

Old man yells at cloud?

All of them

Neutral: With So Many Pickup Options, What’s The One Unavailable Option You Want?

Excellent. She’s awesome. I may have to actually start watching again