
Alright so we’ve heard from streamers doing their thing and how they have thousands of people watching them at all hours of the day. Who are these people that watch streams every day? I never see comments from people saying yeah I watch so and so every day for 8 hours. Do those people exist? Are there more people

Pewds! You dun fucked up, bro. This screams complete lack of awareness. IF he isn’t lying, it’s an interesting way of making a point. But he could have made the same point by having them write about farts.

Some people most assuredly would. Maybe not the same people, but some people.

Ugh. Mia! Fuck OFF Mia!!

From Dark Souls I’ve learned it is generally good to go with some melee and magic. Dex or str and faith/int. Just changed on Nioh to ninja/onmyo. It’s serving me well.

I think the well intentioned part is directed toward the people ungreying the trolls. In other words, no matter how good you think your argument is or how much you want to make them understand, you won’t get through to them. You’ll just be giving them what they want.

It’s still a great game! And it will be down under 30 before Christmas.

I’ve managed to not spend any money on hearthstone, a game I play frequently. And I only bought the starter pack for heroes of the storm which I validate by saying it’s like I bought the game for all the hours I put into it. And I haven’t spent any money on any other bullshit micro transaction or pay to win mobile or

He looks even more retarded when he was younger. How is that possible?

This is a great game. But I’m pretty disappointed with the complete lack of character creation. Nothing against Geralt Jr. I just like to make several characters in souls.

I own most of these. Link to the Past is the only one I’ve finished. So, yes I agree.

Netflix doesn’t fuck around. I believe it.

I posted this before awhile ago but I had a dream once after some long souls binges. In it, there was a Jolly cooperation version of Dark Souls that included 1-3 where you can coop with a password through all 3 games using 1 character. It was glorious.

I prefer the “this decision makes no gd sense” argument, myself.

This makes no fkn sense. At all.

No option for “very rare occasions when the SO isn’t around and I want to watch some porn on the big screen”?

And while you and your friends are screaming, he just stares at the back of your head.

What’s really interesting is that it doesn’t even matter. Nintendo Switch will sell out.

The Falcons. Lol. Gd it. So what the hell happened with all the penalties? Falcons gave up the whole field in holding penalties. Those refs biased or did they really just give up their win to stupidity?

Tenebre and Phenomena are probably my two favorites of Argento’s. Suspiria may have been built up too much because I thought it was kinda boring. =(