
These photos deserve a glowing review!

Well color me radioactive!

Atm. Twitch has implemented their own tip function called “Bits’. Basically their own credit system where the streamers that has it set up receive the money from users that donates bits to them. Ratio is 1:1 (1 bit = 1 penny) the streamer keeps 100% of it and its the buyer of bits that takes the transaction fee.

Useful purpose for Michael Bay rewriting history books:

This article is bait and I love it.

Personally can’t wait for Jurassic Galaxy (Ian fights dinos in space) and Jurassic Odyssey (the leather pants allow Ian to control dinos).

Determined not to buy anything - immediately buys Hollow Knight.

I give it 7 Goldblums.

Damn, I was hoping for “Jurassic World: The Lost Park”.


More like impregnating pause, am I right?

Rejected rage lines:

I give this news 10 out of 10 Goldblums.

Missing the crucial pregnant pause.

Damn, that is impressive!!! I think the photo w/ the fox is my favorite as the fox seems to be saying, “What are you doing here?”

Resident Evil worked for the first 1,2 and 3, but I feel it became a little less relevant once you were in unfamiliar settings. It's easy to relate to a mansion or city setting, but once you get back into strange nowhere's ville (Looking at 0 and CV), the word "Resident" no longer holds the same value. "Resident" to