
You win.

I did guess it! Woohoo! .... Oh, everyone did? =*(

Sounds legit.

I’m confused. What’s the problem?

Alright cool. Only gonna get games on my wish list! This may or may not include games I add to my wish list when I see that they’re discounted.


Hey it’s about gd tiem... since I got tyrion and the stupid huntard quest twice each.

Ugh. Zip up your hoody, Iron Fist guy.

You know what? You’re tacky!

Aren’t these idiots supposed to hash out all the creative differences before hiring them on to direct?

Combat was amazing. My parents yelled at me for trapping my brother’s tank in the corner and bouncing his ass back and forth.

I wish I could remember exactly. My parents were the absolute best, supplying my brothers and I with a NES, then Genesis and Game Gears. I got my SNES for Christmas with Starfox. Then I could only afford to buy used games on my own. So it was most likely Killer Instinct, used at Blockbuster for like 8 dollars.

Yay! A date!

I almost want to cry.

You need all the stars for this.

This looks fkn fantastic.

Everyone needs someone to blame. So can we blame the rating system? Would it have been rated M if the boob slider and bikini were left in? Are they as ridiculous and opinion based as the movie rating system in the US has always been?

Hahaha what an idiot. A quick Google search could have saved you so much heartache, Elizabeth. Now everyone thinks you’re kinda racist. 100 to one, she’s never even seen the damn movie.

Still waiting on that Super Mario RPG 2. Yes, 1000 year door is good, but not what I’m after.