
What a buncha panzy ass tourists.

Barb is DEAD. She’s never coming back just face the facts.

How old are you?

It’s so easy. Dissidia is weird. The mechanics are weird and it’s not gonna pick up the way stuff like street fighter, smash bros or any moba has. If square made a moba or a smash clone with all their final fantasy, or damn, any and all square characters, itd be a hit.

Hah! Glad you like it. We got told to volunteer for stuff all the time.

In the Marines, I was voluntold to work security at a destiny’s child concert. The money earned went toward our marine corps ball. Anyway, I was right in front of the stage. I could have reached up and touched her. Sometimes I wish I had, consequences be damned. But, sorry, I could not tell what she smells like.

Thanks for writing this! Hopefully someone’s eyes are opened by it.

Something something Fry meme.

Because irl, scissors and rock both beat paper. Paper is weak.


I like these but the shelf in that header image is bad. It’s not against the wall the same way it is in the original. Nitpicky... But damn it really bothers me.

Wut a crock of shit.

Yes. Please more of this.

I’m so stoked for this game, I’m using the word stoked. This is a word I never use.

Hell Yeah those slips were the best. Meijer(a Walmart/Target kinda place, if you aren’t familiar with it) did the same thing back when I’d get Super Nintendo games there. I’d get so excited to pluck out my little paper and take it to the counter. It was like a magic ticket. Especially magical because my mom was the

When I saw they were changing chapter 13 I quit playing. I got the game on day 1 lol... I’m on chapter 6 so I’ll be happy to pick it back up at the end of March. Maybe I’ll be just about done with Nioh by then. Maybe.

Robin Hood: everyone has been asking if I’m back from the crusades...

No no no. That’s that African President guy. The soccer guy. Great soccer player in his day! The best!

How far did you get in re7?

Is that shade in the top pic? Having Marvel’s Daredevil in the background? Am I doing this right?