
Willow does rule. +1

Yay LB3!

I stopped shopping there regularly after they started opening all their games if they were a little older. Only one “new” copy in the store, it’s been opened and the box is on the shelf and it’s got all those God damn stickers all over it. Fkn gamestop. Now even Best Buy has a gamer club with reduced prices on new

I stopped shopping there regularly after they started opening all their games if they were a little older. Only one “new” copy in the store, it’s been opened and the box is on the shelf and it’s got all those God damn stickers all over it. Fkn gamestop. Now even Best Buy has a gamer club with reduced prices on new

Michael Bay wasn’t a first time director when he made Transformers. He’s just an idiot. His first couple movies I actually liked! The Rock and the first Bad Boys. First timers can make good stuff.

Today’s winner, folks.

I wonder if that’s how it’ll be when our sun finally explodes. Or that other galaxy collides with ours.... I forget which is supposed to come first.

Yes! I love being able to crack a door to peak inside. I know they started this with some of the previous but this one definitely almost perfected it. I say almost because you can’t spin kick the doors open like Leon. Because Leon just does that shit and who is gonna question him? You? No.

Haha thanks for the image of Liam as Ramirez. Amazing. Just imagining him laughing at Connor all the time and pushing him out of a boat... hilarious.

Impossible. Just look at Transformers.

I dunno. I own them, but it still makes me laugh when someone almost runs into me cuz they were staring at their phone. And rage at them on the road when they continually swerve and I see they are staring at their phone. And I’m still amazed to look around a restaurant and see people all staring at their phones

SIGH at DAI. That game was so disappointing. I loved the first two, got platinum on both. But that one... God damn them.

The Last of Us multi-player trophies. Fuck that shit. Get to week whatever before the final week just to have the whole God damn clan wiped out. I’m raging over here just thinking about it.

It is possible! Did it after I think my third character and a lot of bitch slaps to that werewolf’s butt.

Amazon still says Feb 7th though!

Nioh is coming out on a Thursday? That’s so weird. That’s weird right? It isn’t the 7th?

Can’t believe how far down I had to go to find some T2.

She did. The cop came and talked to her and we heard part of the conversation. He probably stopped following once she was next to the building. Too many lights and people.

I wish all halftime shows were a single performer.