
Here’s a story for you Kotaku. My second night playing this game, a woman runs by my apartment screaming “help me.” Probably the scariest thing I’ve heard in my life. Definitely scarier than alarms going off on base in Iraq. Maybe this damn game had something to do with that...

I liked how there was a warning at the intro about not playing too long if you feel sick and turning off the bob. I turned that shit off immediately. Hate that crap.

Rich white men from Texas. Chances are they are rooting for Trump and just liked the fact that she smiled at them and did her job.

I was playing re7 tonight and I opened a drawer full of bb shoes! =)

This bitch.

I hope Hidden Figures wins everything. I haven’t seen it, or most of the contenders, but I already know it’s the most important movie on here.

I like what they’ve done. But I can unsee it quite easily. Nice try, Internet.

Shouldn’t have to be. It’s all part of white privilege, which most of us still won’t acknowledge is even a thing.

I was most curious to know what exactly he was replying to. I thought to ask here, then I realized twitter is a place I can actually go to if I want to check things like this. Silly me. The post in question has been deleted. That’s lol.

Yes it does!

The men that think this way are already with women who agree with all this bullshit. See all the women who voted for Trump. Religion has an army of women ready to side with the men taking away their rights.

I wish I could give you a star irl.

This is the best. Genius. Completely relevant and provides all day protection from the harmful rays of the sun.

I don’t have kids either. /highfive

Hey Nintendo. If you build it, they will come.

I kind of do expect it, yes, if they are straight up being asked about it in an interview. I also expect they’d pull some shit out of their asses if they weren’t informed. But I’m not the type of person that cares what actors think unless it’s creating problems. Kinda like the anti-vaccer/anti-science celebrities

I understand that regular people have almost nothing they can do to sway anything politically. But this man is a famous actor with a voice and people want to know where he stands. People do listen to famous faces and he may be able to actually do something. I respect him wanting to stay out of it, but I think he’s

It’s aliens! No, no... It’s all a game show! No... No.... I know. It’s Samuel L. Jackson!

I did not like his voice at first. I think a lot of people are put off by it because at first he sounds like the same boring gruff white guy lead that’s in every other game. But the more I got to know him, the less it bothered me. Geralt rules.

I love how her response to the question about seeing the movie was basically, “I haven’t seen it, but I read the book. And I personally know someone related to one of the characters. And maybe ya’ll should pick up a book every now and then.”