
I kind of do expect it, yes, if they are straight up being asked about it in an interview. I also expect they’d pull some shit out of their asses if they weren’t informed. But I’m not the type of person that cares what actors think unless it’s creating problems. Kinda like the anti-vaccer/anti-science celebrities

I understand that regular people have almost nothing they can do to sway anything politically. But this man is a famous actor with a voice and people want to know where he stands. People do listen to famous faces and he may be able to actually do something. I respect him wanting to stay out of it, but I think he’s

It’s aliens! No, no... It’s all a game show! No... No.... I know. It’s Samuel L. Jackson!

I did not like his voice at first. I think a lot of people are put off by it because at first he sounds like the same boring gruff white guy lead that’s in every other game. But the more I got to know him, the less it bothered me. Geralt rules.

Three hundred bucks?! Fuck that send those bitches to Great Clips.

We’re throwing around a lot of rankings here. I’m starting to lose track and to be honest it’s kinda stressing me out. Maybe a beer will calm me down.

Who is very much alive, God damnit.

Nah. If you didn’t get it then, you won’t get it now.

I’ll be laminating my balls.

I wonder if he pays taxes.

I feel like I’ve seen lots of green crosses to denote health. This must be why.

Fuck me.

2017 takes its first victim! Kinda funny. This was the first xbone exclusive I was a little jealous of. Shame for you guys.

You gotta shut off that need to do everything. That’s what got me. All the God damn side quests. Do like 1 sidequest per story quest.

Don’t they know the vast majority of people who vote in these things are the worst people who just want to see the world burn? If it were up to the Internet, all the pieces would be Trump busts, Harambes and dildos. Thankfully they have limited options, but still, vote to change 1 of them not all. C’mon guys.

Jesus saves. George Nelson withdraws.

Happy birthday to you and your sister!


Nice! I saw this listed in the challenges on pc but didn’t see a reward listed. Might be blind.