
“Edwards admitted that this method of filmmaking wasn’t exactly easy.”

“Well, like an army of cursed souls forever beholden to find flaws in Overwatch, the player base has gone to work

But look at his cute little legs! Look at how fast they move!

Oh man! How to get butcher pet?! Random drop off butcher prolly huh.

This is the greatest thing.

This movie was great. Hush.

You’re not alone. I kinda did a facepalm at the end. Like, dur, it’s obvious... Now, right? Same with Thor 2. But I didn’t even know until like a month later with the red one.


Check out the 4th one.

Jovovich is great. But no one beats Kate Beckinsale.

Yeah it was one of the best songs on the OST. I’ve got the cd in my car lol!

To Alex, the accountant.

Finally, a collectors item for the lady in your life.

Those walking dead photos.

Big Bang Theory is not good because it just isn’t funny.

Sounds like an awful idea. I think Conan is funny sometimes in these because it’s kinda silly seeing someone who is really bad at games, and also famous, fail at something I find pretty simple. Most of it is just cringey and I have no idea how they can make that a full ~20 minute show. Especially with some other host.

Or you can settle for this guy.

My favorite part about this article is “remowilliams.” Haven’t seen a Destroyer reference in a long time.

How do you not have a million stars? Was this copy and paste?

Ugh now I’ma get invaded.