
Most are not red. But some in yaharghul(?) have red hoods like this. At the boss area in particular.

Well I guess you’re gonna get it. Congratulations. We have some of the worst Healthcare and education of all the developed countries. And instead of building something worthwhile with the taxpayer dollars, like hospitals, schools, museums, I dunno, ROADS? Hell, give it to the Marines so they can have better weapons

Final Fantasy Tactics mobile port is good.

I didn’t know who he was until I read this. Ugh...

Fuck. Imagine. Leia is there with Han and she’s talking to kylo, he kills her and then goes to get Han and chewie shoots him to stop him. Kylo runs off and han just sits there holding Leia not knowing what to do with himself. Maybe he even refuses to leave and dies with the planet. Han and Leia both gone everyone is

I sincerely hope they recast her. And I hope they don’t get some ridiculous big name actress for the role. I better not see fkn Cate Blanchett playing Leia. Get an impersonator! There HAS to be a number of impersonators they can work with. I imagine all the huge stars lining up to take the part and be the one to give

Yeah I was thinking off the book as well. After the success of guardians, I bet he’s helping people out with their awful movies left and right.

Superman 2, rofl.

His idea, his ship, and I believe he was her superior when they were in the army. That shit can run deep.

I thought only one of the brothers became transgender.

So that’s where my copy of Sensual Seductions 2 went.


From the small amount of footage, the 7 remake may be using something similar to Crisis Core, which I would totally be for, if they at least let us switch characters.


I tried to read this. I really did. I don’t know WHY I tried. But I did. Maybe I held out hope that it would give me a greater understanding of what went wrong. But it’s just the same stupid ignorant bullshit that’s already been said before by the same ignorant idiots.

It was a lower setting, yes. They did not destroy the planet, only a city and the surrounding area. Like maybe if they were to destroy Florida or something...

Confusing? That’s a first. Most people just tell me it was boring.

Now that he has a daughter it’s all a big deal. Typical.

Haha always loved this version.

This is why they have categories now for speed runs. They have exploit free runs you can watch and enjoy and feel all pure. Some people have a lot of fun finding and exploiting glitches that exist in the game’s code. They tell you exactly what it is and how they are doing it most times. If they were pretending they