
I have about 18 platinum trophies on Ps4 and my brother and I were discussing trophies. I told him that there are quite a few here and there, at least 1 or 2 per game, I’ve had to look up how to do. Because some are just, wtf, right? Borderlands had some weird ones, dragon age games all definitely. He says it’s

Kara you’re just jealous you’re not the one marrying Serena Williams. But that’s OK, I’m jealous too.

Isn’t Drake with jlo now?

Good to see no one went with Aerith.

Ps4 here. Sucks about the Vita. :(

I like XV but I was on vacation when it came out. Then Kotaku said it was getting more cut scenes so I decided to take a break on it. When my gf got me World for Christmas I was like fuck yeah. I can’t stop playing.

World of Final Fantasy is so friggin good.

Recency effect makes me want to say:

This is the best.

I think I’d go the other way and say that it’s more proof that a God doesn’t exist or is at least not worth worshipping.

This is so disturbing. Turning off cameras so the publicly elected officials can hide from the public is the shadiest shit I’ve ever heard.

I want to ride my chocobo all daaaay!

But it’s so beautiful!

You missed it. Gotta start em younger on the old shit. My dad had my bros and I watching black and white cinema from a very young age. It’s a Wonderful Life is one of the classic Christmas movies.

Shame they hype probably made it not as good for you. I had no idea what it was about or that anyone was hyped for it. And it’s definitely my favorite animated movie this year.

Psp version had Balthier from FF12 who was an amazing mechanic thief mix. And Luso, the main guy from Tactics advance 2.

Haha this is a joke right? This show has just as much standing around as most other anime.

You guys do a secret Santa? Or a white elephant?

I probably won’t ever start a book series that isn’t already finished again. Thanks George.

I would guess after. But fanart is fanart and we are speculating official canon now!