
I haven’t had time to finish so add one to the list of people still really enjoying it.

I like how you say to spare the sob stories when these lists are always responded to en masse with sob stories regarding what should and shouldn’t be on it.

The ending of the first Klonoa always gets me.

The worst people always live the longest.

Hopefully we can just get The Rock in 2020.

I couldn’t even accept a gift from a customer. She gave me a plant for being the first person to give a damn. And they took it away because conflict of interest. A plant. A plant worth maybe 30 bucks. And this motherfucker is going to be president.

All trailers for just about everything give away way too much. Stuff like this makes me glad I don’t have your job. You have to spoil for yourself to report for everyone else. =(

It never bothered me before I got a girlfriend who is totally turned off by it. I was watching seven deadly sins and she was like, I’m not watching this shit. Cuz Lil dude was groping the hell out of Princess chick in the very first episode. I had to watch it when she was doing something else. I would’ve liked to

I didn’t even care about the candy I just skipped to see everyone’s smiling faces at the end.

Avatar pic checks out.

In for mah! Garbly goobly blah blah blah!

Yes it is bad. I’ve just now after about 20 or so hours gotten into the habit of being more patient and not hitting X until I’m damn sure the prompt is where it is supposed to be. I had this exact same issue with Dragon Age: Inquisition.

What a bitch playing that shit at all hours the of the day. That’s like some psychological warfare shit.

So glad your kind didn’t win.

LOL you linked a quote about voter fraud!! Hahaha!

Sadly, those comedy news shows are some of the least biased places to get your news on television nowadays. It’s not fake news, it’s just news while also making fun of how fkn ridiculous this shit is.

Ya’ll are adorable. The newsroom is amazing.

Did <insert other competitive shooter developer> buy you a house to come here and make this comment?

I’m so sick of this white washing of famous purples.

She’s a pro fighter! Also, military life is great for gamers. I sometimes wish I’d stayed in the Marines just because I was in great shape and I feel like all I did was play games, including years of WoW.