
You live in a different universe.

Fucking hippies you can’t love your enemies to death. They will just kill you.

Also from Tactics, Ramza/Mustadio.

So I guess I’ll do hunts in chapter 2 til I’m max level.

No reason turn based combat should be obsolete. Many people still like it. Pokemon is listed #2 in this article and it has turn based combat.

Wow I thought I was the only dumb kid who did this. I put my Crash Bandicoot in my back pocket and sat on it after getting it back from a friend. I was also in the 9th grade. It was used so no box and had it in a paper sleeve. So dumb.

Heh heh heh. Thank you.

But Crash was better than Boringback Mountain.

Those are good butts.

Jared’s is the only bad one imo. If idiots want to deprive themselves for a role I say go for it. Whatever. They aren’t hurting anyone but themselves.

Seems pretty contrary to what hufflepuffs are right? I always figured they were the house that just didn’t give a shit.


You never go full Kojima. Everybody knows that.


Yeah I loved it. I really felt like there was some pretty significant shit happening in every episode.

I would for sure recommend it!

I’ve never heard that about Breaking Bad. Interesting.

Rofl at “I’m riding the hype train so hard.”

So fluffy I’m gonna DIE!

This shit. These fkn people need to collectively grow a set and stand up to this bully. I thought after the election they were admitting that they fkn did it all wrong?! Now he’s just going to walk all over them. And they’re going to take it. And ask for more.