Prolly comparing her to Phelps because they are both gd freaks of nature.
Prolly comparing her to Phelps because they are both gd freaks of nature.
1 mouth 1 butt OR 2 butt. If you’re really crazy, 1 butt 1 urethra.
I know I have done this. I am a man. But I can also vouch that some women do it. I have been "hey'd" by a woman after sex. She may have just picked it up from some douchebro though.
Get out.
Man. Who else teared up when he was talking about how proud he was of his staff? /grouphug
How long can Stephen hold his breath for?
Must be one of those bullshit recolors only available to npcs.
It can be pay to win if you have LOTS of cash to spend but even then you have to research the best deck/cards to create and the strats behind them. For the average Joe, not pay to win for sure. Lots of people don't realize that.
I was going to say you’re looking at a totally different shot, but there are no DS on there. You can see the beast on the right and cleric beast’s name at the bottom. But looking closer he has a bit of health, might be that he got cocky at the end and died with 1 hit left. Undoubtedly a BB shot tho.
The Bloodborne shot is a double KO against the cleric beast AMIRITE?
Dark Souls and Bloodborne have had the best DLC.
I remember coming across your guys’ articles searching for news on a game through Google. It was always for some quick info. I never stayed for more than a minute. Then I got this infernal smart phone. Now all I do is read Kotaku all God damn day.
Yes Kirby > sonic if only because Kirby superstar is one of the best games of all time.
Pokemon Go is still popular? This game is old news.
Sadly, the biggest assholes and rage gamers are too impatient and stupid to read things like this and calm the hell down.
These fkn guys.
Looooool I love grizzly Hills.