
I do love MoP a lot too! Great music.

Wrath was the best! The music especially. I like going and running the raids for gold/mounts but in secret I just go for the music and atmosphere.

That's fine. They can just get rid of those useless ass pockets.

We can't let go. We will never let go. Fuck you.

I've become such a lightweight in my old age that two is all I can handle! So, yeah, no problemo.

And yoooooouuuuuuu should have to read the article like everyone else, spoiled bitches man.

This next week is just hype city with suicide squad and this game coming out so close together.

Wh-wh-wh-wh-what do you want? Why so you keep touching me!?

Is there really some time that exists where firing all the black cops because black people are being murdered by racists is the acceptable thing to do? My white privilege is far worse/better than I imagined.

That chart!! HAHA!

Sure, bad stuff happened to her. But they don't leave any other option in the game other than listening to her all the time. If there was some kinda quest to help her find peace or if after time she warmed up just a bit, people wouldn't want to rid themselves of her so much. Hey, my wife was murdered in front of me,

This game seems way more awesome than the one they are actually releasing.

This article is too damn long for a poop but I gotta say I love the idea of the challenge. You know people would pay big bucks to see it. If he did accept, ticket prices and pay per view would cover the donation and then some. Hell, if I were him, I’d do it just to monetize it.

Widowmaker looks like it was done by the family friend for cheap.

Just... Just look at him.

They're comfy as fuck.

His eyes are too damn close together.

Stuff like this makes me sad. I don't agree at all with him or Trump, the space orange. But people like Clint remind me of my Dad. I love my Dad. He's old and set in his ways. And maybe if he was famous and people cared about what he said, he'd say something similar. And I'd be like, dammit, Dad.

Hm, yes. This will do nicely. I'll start on Monday. Congratulations.