
I’m not competitive, I get to rank 15 or so each month doing dailies and a bit when I’m bored. With that, I’ve only seen yogg played twice and both times it murdered my opponents face when I was already winning. I think the only real option is that the competitive scene needs to just ban cards they think take away the

This is where I go all rage gamer and say stuff like, those people who want the animals taken out need to just die please.

All Fallout Shelter, all weekend!

The Demon's Souls intro still makes me misty eyed. I love that game. I know everyone likes DkS better, but for what it was, when it was released, I thought Demon's Souls was just perfect.


I must be the only person who thought, after trying for only like 30 minutes to find secrets, then looking online and finding nothing, that the finger does nothing. I did not waste any more time on it. Let it be a lesson to you. Sometimes items don’t do anything.

Aaagh! Temptress!

I’m pretty excited to play Odin Sphere without the framerate issues that caused me to give up on it on ps2. How long before it’s down to 20 bucks you think? Can’t justify buying a second copy for the same price as the first lol.

Git. Gud.

It’s 2016. And I’m playing Witcher 3 instead of Overwatch. Fuck Overwatch.

Jason! I am just now noticing that there seems to be no physical copy we can get of I Am Setsuna. Wuts up with that?

Ugh September! Another year of fall games trampling into my life and ruining my sleep and relationships.


We’re grey friends.

Whenever I see these questions I immediately want to rebel. If so, why? Please explain. Discuss. Fuck you follow up questions! I’m just gonna write yes/no answers! I don’t care if I only get half points!!

She gets paid to do it. It's a job. I know, the things people get paid to do, right?

Is there a specific day of the month these pop up? Is it like the first Tuesday of the month?

I’m with you. I hope he stays dead. If there is some kind of clone, sure, whatever, maybe that’d be fine. Only if it’s a short lived and deformed/imperfect clone and not the main villain.

Yep! We're basically dead!

This whole thing was a bad idea imo. If it had raid mode with 4 player capabilities, I'd buy it then.