
I should apply to handle their social media. Should be a spot opening up. Not because people are mad but because it's just not funny.

From my point of view, the Jedi, are the ones who are the evil ones, imo.

Omega Boost rules!!

Fuck. It's already July.

I got a little sick just watching it. I’m the same way. If I try to read even for a few seconds on my phone in a moving car, I feel ready to vomit. Why would they do that? What convinced them? Maybe shaky cams in movies.

This is why video games are so amazing. Only on a games news/blog site can someone named Deputy Dong get highlighted and shown in the header photo of an article. What a wonderful world.

My heart goes out to this maybe terrorist. I would be so sad if I lost all my trophies.

Alright George, we have another year I guess for more show so, uh, ready for that book now imo. This is the time! Strike while everyone is craving more! Your sales will be so high! JUST DO IT!

“omitted or left out" heh heh

I learned something today that is just so relevant:

Before starting, I said, I really hope they resolve this shit with the high sparrow. I’m so tired of it. I don’t care who dies but someone needs to die. Holy shit they granted my wish several times over. You want someone to die? How about like, several major characters in the first, what? 8 minutes? Lol.

If you plan to fast forward everything that isn’t a battle, go ahead. Most of the show is not battles, you won’t want to watch more than maybe the first 10 mins of this finale. Otherwise, if you like the characters, start from the beginning.

I'm starting to think Jamie is the fake out now. Everyone is suspecting it will be him but Tyrion is on his way back with quite a lot of backup.

My hope for Sansa is that she kills Littlefinger. She knows what he’s up to and is really the only person in the position to take him out. He’s got that look of desperation now.

“I never saw Venice!” - Tommen

My bro wanted me to get that game to play with him. I was like, if you're still playing it when it goes to like 30 bucks I'll get it. He already quit that shit when Dark Souls 3 came out.

Bravely Second:

“‘How did I get into games’ is one. And ‘will you play Undertale?’ That’s the question I get more than any other. I’m tired of hearing it! I tell them, no, I’m not going to play Undertale. I won’t like it. I don’t enjoy those kinds of games. Stop asking me to playUndertale!”

So, like, if I vote for Donald Trump, he could actually be president? No waaayyyy.

How do I give this more stars? Go Tormund!