I love how I click a link in your article to be greeted by this comment on reddit:
I love how I click a link in your article to be greeted by this comment on reddit:
The game is about how we killed the earth by pumping oil out of the ocean. We're breeding babies in men as well as women. And there are ghosts. And maybe aliens.
Wtf I thought NMS WAS a MMO.
Maybe I'll just have to be a generation behind now. These things are coming out too quickly for me!
My gf and I enjoyed it. We are fans who met on WoW so, no way we weren’t going to see it. Definitely some gripes and complaints but I enjoyed it. Garona’s half tusks really did look plastic.
This is pretty exciting. I hope ps3 players are joining in and not just PC.
Thanks for reminding us, Jason!! I still have to go see it. So maybe my expectations will be so low, I'll be able to enjoy it.
Haha. I especially like how you wrote "Warcraft the RTS."
“When they shut down nost" happened weeks before overwatch released.
Haha! Mages ftw. I'm glad I did not have the issues you did. Smart leadership with class captains solved all those problems. People asking for crap for the wrong class always got shot down. Buffs were always taken care of save for the random healer who wanted kings instead of wisdom. I liked handing out water all…
My body is ready.
This is amazing! I want one! It’s gonna be the same but with BigJoe.
Not for them not getting a release. But for releasing them and changing them for Western sensibilities. The main problem I see is that the people who are outraged are volatile and go after the completely wrong people.
OH! He’s using the controller with his feet. That’s cool. I thought you meant he used the lava ring and kicked everything to death. Has that been done?
As with everything Blizzard makes with pvp, it’s a game of counters. Hearthstone, Heroes, WoW arenas, Starcraft, it’s just knowing how to counter. Which is a skill on its own. So, no, I don’t think they’ll change this. Their response will be “you know you can counter widow maker and Hanzo..."
Yeah at first I thought she was another chick for him to bang. But their relationship is different from his and like, every other woman i spose.
His will be missed. Will he be buried with his beard? Or will it be donated to a museum? Or perhaps science, so it can be studied and pondered over, in hopes of reproducing such gloriousness for new generations and the less fortune, beardless of the world?
Needs more HD Fran imo.