
I wanna just throw in my 2 cents to counter the hate you’re getting. I’ve come back to try and play D3 every season and it’s still boring as hell. The expansion was fun for a while when I first got it. Maybe it’s nostalgia but I would still put D2 as the better game. I played D2 on and off for 10+ years and was always

Oddly more excited for this than FFXV.

Nice engrish blizzard!!

This game, along with Okami, Xenosaga 2, Ar Tonelico, few others, made my time in Iraq so much better. So excited to have this one new, and I’m thinking I might take the ps4 copy and house it in the old metal case. =D

But, Balthier is the lead man.

Whata noob!

It kinda reminds me of an onion article it’s so ridiculous. And the people saying it’s real are just like the idiots on Facebook linking satire and taking it super srs.

As THE bestest writer in my ENG 101 course, I take offense to this.

Damn this is some professional stuff. He looks like an action figure. Can we get digital print copies and put them on our shelves and desks and admire them every day?

What? No love affair between blobs? No menacing block enemy trying to take over the world? Does it even 60fps?

I was so jealous in the 5th grade when my older bro got to play this and I didn't! Then, years later, I watched some YouTube videos and realized I'm not missing anything. Maybe it was OK back then.

So how do we say his name? Coo key? Cookie? Coo Kway? Cucky? Cock.....

Kid was there for his copy of

Yep. That's the look of someone who has a little bro or nephew who has come at them in that exact same manner. That thief knew kids are just kids.

Haha you didn't read the story at all!

This is how it was when we were kids. No one trusts any one any longer. People don't say hi to strangers. We lock up our kids now and teach them that people are awful. They all just get little screens in their faces to shut them up instead of going out.

Goodbye Castlevania. Goodbye Metal Gear. Goodbye Silent Hill.

“Cummies" got me. Lol

Nice! I'm kinda excited about NBA 2k16. I was thinking... I haven't been totally into a basketball game since looney toons b ball and NBA jam on snes!!

Twist! You played our game and it didn't even HAVE a twist!!