I like reece's pieces better than reece's peanut butter cups.
I like reece's pieces better than reece's peanut butter cups.
Remember that assassin's Creed movie? Lol
Oh man, going old school. All great games. Radiant Historia is so good. I beat it recently and need to go back and work on, uh, spoilers... But yeah, fantastic game.
Yeah. Sadly, the platinum demo was baaaaaaaad. Duscae was great, I thought, and am pretty glad I played it because damn that plat demo woulda turned me off of 15.
I hope I can dress up my little girl again. I loved Sapphire but I didn't see the point of getting the remake after all the stylish outfits in Y!
Haha!!! That music. Wtf.
Figure out how it is you're getting spoils and stop doing that. I managed to go into dks3 with no knowledge I didn't want. It's not that hard.
Poor guy.
And now, only a tiny minority of gamers play wow. I understand all this stuff they’re saying but damn, do people STILL complain about the exclusive mounts and rewards? 10+ gd years this game has been out and they’re addressing that?
There's still tiem! I am Def hoping they throw us a bone.
I haven’t spent a dime on this game. But I do feel kinda sorry for new players. If I hadn’t been playing it since it released, I know I’d feel the same way.
Morons. She is obvs the new Marge Simpson.
For Family and Race. If your relationship gets that serious to where you want to get married, and your parents are totally against it, I’d recommend you do something extremely awkward and uncomfortable: Get D and confront your parents about it with her around. Force them to state their feelings about her when she’s…
What the... I'm just gonna go play Second Story.
At the grave outside the yorshka church I saw a message that said seems familiar, with a point up gesture. Look up and there it is. I showed my gf and was like, omfg look it's anor londo! She was like, what?
Fucking. Anor. Londo.
I remember one of her games was the first time I ever heard someone say fuck in a video game. My teenage self loved her so much.
Man. I'm pretty glad I'm not playing on pc. Ps4 all the way. Multi-player is too important in these games for me. Fkn assholes.
That’s kinda what I was getting at. The assholes arent the majority. But you have groups of crazy fanatics wanting to fight tooth and nail to defend whatever. And it’s especially more prevelant on the web.