Dark souls 3 imo.
Dark souls 3 imo.
A bit hollow.... I see wut you did.
This is a problem in large with everything on the Internet. Gaming in general has a lot of toxicity. I love them and I’m passionate about them but I’m not gonna eat you alive for not liking it or whatever. Remember Undertale? Not so long ago? Those fans were RABID. I thought the game looked pretty damn boring. Never…
Haha yeah gd steam. They also have the added frustration of cheaters on pc. That duel etiquette crap has been around since Demon’s Souls when there wasn't even a way to summon for pvp. Invaders ought to be treated as such and people looking for fair fights ought to be using their signs. But you'll get the unfair, no…
I killed like 5 stupid trolls last night with my Bros. It was fun. I invade a lot too actually and I feel that, generally, the host and his phantoms have the advantage.
It's the most exciting game out right now for a great many people. I thought the idea for Internet money was to get the clicks.
What did you change to make it easier?
The problem is these people are afraid of dying in souls games. It’s just a part of it. I haven’t been afraid of dying in a souls game since I got past the first boss in demon’s souls. Don’t try to rush through it. Be patient. Don’t cry over spilled milk aka your 20 thousand souls you desperately cling to. These games…
We can't help it. It comes from a place of love.
I wouldn't even say he's right about that. There's always assholes and elitists can be attracted to these games, sure. But everyone I know, personally, isn't an asshole, we just love the games.
This is fun! Thanks for doing them. I'll look forward to the rest. I truly hope 15 grabs me. Lightning Returns was the first FF I gave up because it was pretty boring. And after 13-2 was great! C'mon Square. You can do it.
PC master raaaaaaaaace!
Just imagine some book or movie or game series that you love. Something that pulled you in and gave you an awesome, unforgettable experience. We love our souls games so much. It’s like that for a lot of people with these games. They require a lot of patience and some giving in. Death is just a part of it all. Your…
What? What's even going on in this thread? I love it.
Lol lol lol this is kind of hilarious.
And theres a sign next to him that says "try rolling.” So I tried, and it was amazing.
I raided vanilla and I don’t remember any such thing as useless specs. Some people Def got pissy if a healer we just decked out decided he wanted to go dps. Like gd man we can’t be gearing you up over and over again! Most of the time we had our off specs running ZG. 40 man raids were fun but hilarious because a lot of…
I always ate my apple Jacks without milk and I loved them. But I was a child. I wonder what they taste like now.