
Fuck yes, Animaniacs.

I love this shit. And I love these gd games. Ive got all the platinums and 100s of hours into all of them. And u get questions like man how are you so good at those? They are so hard? I’m like, well, I’m patient, and I don’t give a shit about dying when I know it was my own mistake.... Cept for those times when I rage

Iron skiiiiiiiiin!

Dark Souls doesn't care if you think it has charm!

For onion guy you can weaken the monsters with arrows. I think kill most before he jumps down. I forget how it works exactly but I was on new game 3 before I actually finished his quest and I wasn’t chancing him screwing it all up.

Most of us can’t get Dark Souls 3 yet so thanks for rubbing that in you son of a bitch.

I wish he would. I might actually buy it.

You're nuts.

Oh shit. I'm jealous. I wanna watch it again for the first time.

Probably a little bit flattered and a lot a bit creeped out and where can I get one?

Not an arm in the video it’s a leg. =D

Don’t listen to these crazies. The lava scene was farther down. Giant undead dinosaur half bodies that jumped on you and swung their tails at you. You can completely skip it if you’re high enough in the chaos covenant. I need to not be grey now ffs.

Hey Joe.

That's hot.

Forest Whitaker just seems tired. It's not just his eye. He looks and sounds done to me. Like he doesn't really give a shit about his job. He just goes on set and reads his lines. Then goes back to his winny and drinks a big bottle of Jack and passes out in his boxers.

You gottem good.

God yes I am so fucking sick of hearing that shit in every. Damn. Trailer.

I'm liking the fact that the people at square actually seem excited about 15. I remember the big to do for lightning returns and the guy on stage seemed like he didn't give a shit. And he would rather be any place else.

Finn and Poe watch as the Starkiller 2.0 explodes.

I hate this kinda shit. None of these people are gonna go play wow as it is now. The only people who are on these servers are fans of the old wow and hate the new one. This has always been, in my mind, the equivalent of the big kid coming and smashing the little kids sand castle. You guys wanna have fun? Nope. Fuck