
Are they profiting? I thought it was free.

Spoooiiiiillllls! Gawd Patricia, augh!


I’m sure plenty of writers and artists do their best work when they are pushing some agenda. They feel strongly about something and their medium of choice is how they express it. Even if it isn’t done well, according to some, the creator chose to do it that way. Pretty much everything is open to criticism and debate,

Well they're pretty damn cheap now. I'd recommend Dark Souls 2 re-release if you've got xbone or ps4 and want to play multi-player. Don't let anyone tell you you're a noob for summoning for bosses. You'll have the most luck with other people playing on the new consoles. If you wanna be hell bent on playing solo, just

The undead nearby blew that part up with his bomb by accident my first time through and I was so happy. I kept going into other people's games and opening it up with a bomb for them and feeling all proud.

Go back to Sesame Street ya nuuuuuublet.

Have you tried multi-player? If you’re willing to give it another shot, playing with other people is so much fun. Use the small bell and play some games with other people til you feel more comfortable. When you’ve got some decent insight saved up, summon some helpers. Multi-player is the games only easy mode.

Shun the nonbeliever! Shuuuuun. Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.

If you read the notes in the ground it teaches you the basics. =D

Holy shit. Anyone else read it as fantastic contraception? For just a second, my head was filled with a VR game that might be sorely needed in our abstinence only sex ed schools.

Wow. Well. I guess I've gotta vote for Trump now. I'd no idea this was what he had in mind for America. Fuck yeah.

That's only during a specific ability. Not auto attack.

A lot of people really like Micheal Bay shit too.

April fooooools!! Can't fool me. Nice one.

Yes! When I'm at home the pants are off and in the corner.

If I know that my shit was considerably messy, I will do one big wipe while sitting. This is to ensure that when I stand, no chunksor drops of shit fall and land in my underwear. Then I stand and get a long string of tp. I start at one end and wipe it through my ass crack, like a conveyor belt, balls to back, and the

You sure sed sumthin there, brother.


I remember when all the people started naming arena shit with cleaves. I ran with a mage buddy and we named our 2s “Ice Lance Cleave.” We were basically unstoppable. During cata of course.