
"I came home to win championships"

The caps even have a black player!! So rude sometimes people are too picky

Also no request of this magnitude from a woman should started with the phrase "hey buddy" to a man... ever.

Ohhhh you're on of "those guys"...I hear volleyball or possibly badminton are sports you might enjoy frequenting

That coach who said "MALCOLM GO MALCOLM GO" definitely got blown by multiple women thanks to belichek or kraft

Hot take incoming:

Jesse? *geico commercial reference*

Are you replying as if I'm a bruins fan and I care or?

I'll take reasons to keep your head up for 200 please

Carey Price isn't a vezina winning goalie...

Nothing says ignorant like judging a person off of ONE action while he has a body full of adrenaline doing the one activity he loves...

This seems like a love hate relationship. relationship

It seems abundantly clear you do. You just (unsolicited) posted your profession and professional goals as if it matters to anybody at all. Just a thought.

Just a heads up, this little tirade does not in any way support the notion you are a professional or good person in general. Remember that.

Louis ck is looking overinflated lately

Being a wizards fan this is the type of shit we were hoping for when we drafted him. He's learned how to use different speeds and moves to freeze people and instead of running by them he is now good enough to manipulate and embarrass them whenever he wants.

What an ASStounding seat she has.

Oh great another patriots conspiracy

Would you like a mulligan Rob?