Iron Marla

Buying shit in this way seems like something that absolutely needs to be regulated or outlawed outright.

I would *also* like to try that.

Man, I really gotta try acid.

Which is fine except that lots of folks in office jobs have 15-year-old, flat-as-pancakes, can-feel-every-nut-and-bolt pieces of shit which they procured for $210 for 10, and which the company refuses to replace.

Which is fine except that lots of folks in office jobs have 15-year-old, flat-as-pancakes,

That’s the point.

And does!

I mean... you do it by pulling the trigger.

While I accept that this is technically correct, you absolutely should not, for any reason, point it at someone, or at yourself.

That Dude Named Marla. <3

There are other rules, but that’s the big one.

Every gun is loaded.

Not so.

The most succinctly I can put it:

I’m IN.


‘Gears of War’s’, in the title.

It absolutely is self-destructive.

This is not an upgrade whatsoever. It’s a significant, grievous downgrade.

Yeah. That’s what the megacorp said when they bought my fucking company, too.

I don’t think I can link to my tweet here easily, but I’ll just paste the content in: