Iron Marla

Subtlety is when I use conventional explosives instead of nuclear.

Oh! Okay. Well, search up ‘Xbox wireless adapter’ on Amazon and then buy one that looks likely; first-party is most consistently functional and best-equipped re: manuals, but it’s a little more expensive. They have instructions on how to sync in-box but it’s the same as your console; use a button to put the controller

This game was designed for consoles; your XBox controller will control it just fine on PC, too, and even if you don’t have bluetooth or a capable controller, a little USB dongle to connect it wirelessly is like $18.

‘Throw money at it’ isn’t an option in scaling, folks. You can’t just money your way out; once you make a solution pointing at 50k users, retooling for half a million is an incredible process and a lot of things have to fundamentally change.

-At least-.  430k on Steam now, God only knows how many on PS5, I don’t think they share.

I have seen some twitter discourse about this and FUN FACT: either people get this movie, or they’re just cool with fascism and don’t realize that’s what they’ve been conned into understanding as a good way for the world to work.

Hey! The weapons -are- kinda customizable.

In fairness, I actually like it a LOT when they make things somewhat more interesting than just ‘hit tree, tree goes poof, wood in pocket’.

You look at things in a way that indicates that you had a fruitful career in which you felt challenged but stable in your job. That’s fab. So glad you had that.

I have loved Destiny and its lore etc. for many years, but here’s the deal: they got rid of their inhouse composers. They removed a ‘luxury item’ which has ensured that Destiny was amazing where other shit is just whatever it is.

They’re mostly not my thing either! I’m just kind of aware that the whole ludonarrative split situation isn’t -great- in the best of circumstances, and it gets even worse when a player is, ah, playing with one hand. :) This is exacerbated significantly by the fact that most stories in games generally are gratuitously

I wrote a lot of the scenes in the original version of Sexena. :) Sexena: Arena Tales is out on Steam now.

I think I did okay! It’s my understanding that I was slightly more kinky than was strictly necessary for the job, but I had a lot of fun and the dude who made the rest of the game paid well. ^_^;;

I saw the porn game I wrote much of the content for appear in a friend’s inventory and I’m like ‘yo man!  I wrote that!’ just the other day. <3

Perhaps if every system they built didn’t fundamentally eat its own tail, buying a narrow slice of profit for the next few months but burning players so badly they’ll never return again, they’d go a little farther.

All I can think is this:

When does this go from ‘just business’ to ‘perpetrating extinction on a global scale, with a side of manufacturing consent’?

The framerate was also a mess! Fortunately at that point I was already a fairly serious PC enthusiast and I didn’t expect very much of consoles.

You can get away from space combat super easily.

The thing I adore the most about the PS2 is how much some of the developers -used- that console, though I am in particular talking about Shadow of the Colossus.

Misunderstood instructions, played Rocket League with an ice cube for 20 minutes at 5:06 in the morning so that astronauts could make a diving pool on Mars.