Iron Marla

Was this dude not doing super inappropriate shit with underage fans?  I’m certain I heard something about that.

It’s okay, you don’t have to know what I’m talking about or get the joke I’m making.

Happy early Pride, ladies. ^_^

It is as a matter of fact. <3 She also made a Bloodborne PSX demake!

Like... their next thing is gonna be Armored Core.

I obviously kinda agree, but, I mean, hey: if you really need Bloodborne Kart, PSX Lilith exists, she’s funny as Hell, and I bet her game is gonna be a banger.  (also I universally encourage supporting trans creators; we’ve got weird awesome voices and you’re not gonna find shit like we make anywhere else!)

It happened in like 2016 and I’ve literally had bad dreams about it.

I’ve honestly thought for years that the way Light and Power worked are overdesigned, clunky stacks of band-aids.

I’m personally fine with that? I dunno. If someone’s a phenomenal artist I rarely go ‘well okay that’s great and all, but can you dunk?’

Love that these crazy motherfuckers made a goddamn billion dollars without having to cannibalize their clients.  Just the opposite, really.  From’s next game is probably also gonna be a banger and it will probably also sell like crazy, which is exactly correct.

They think, they feel, they speak our language, they understand their own situation, which... y’know, means they’re fundamentally similar to people.

It’s a little funny to me that a total dearth of awareness or media literacy are considered a bonus these days. Anti-intellectualism’s a funny old thing.

Intense intellectual laziness to do the ‘we should improve society somewhat/and yet you participate in society, interesting’ deal after all these years. I’ve heard it before and I don’t give a shit.

I liked Harry Potter just fine when I was a stupid kid, but I’d also read a lot of other books; even when I was 13 I’d read ridiculously better fantasy and even fantasy -about- wizards going to school, so it was never more than an easy popcorn read.

Boy Wizard Immediately Atomized by Forest Guardian, find out more on 11 at 11 tonight on TBS

The whole universe is built on top of some rickety, bigoted nonsense. The mention of the 1612 pogrom in the *text of the game* is sufficiently damning to throw the whole fucking thing in the bin straight away, and that’s even before JK’s brutal anti-trans crusade, which gets quoted during the massive numbers of

I think it’s less to do with religion and more to do with power, especially the kind of power an organization gets from society as a direct result of having some kind of widely-accepted moral ‘superiority’ to others.

Just gonna throw this out there:

For an interesting genre mashup, get on that Atomicrops shit. <3 I love that thing, it’s weird and wonderful.

That’s literally not even one low-wage, full-time salary with benefits etc.