Iron Marla

I’m in the marketing and PR realm. I cannot emphasize how much these tweets are a trajectory-altering decision for Simon Thomley’s career and the entire Headcannon studio’s future prospects. When you’re a contractor/vendor/services provider, you don’t come out and say scathing things against a contracting client

OK, I believe them.

I have a genetic condition called Klinefelter’s Syndrome. I’m technically intersexed, albeit in a way that doesn’t make all that much difference to my outward appearance. In my case, I didn’t get the hormone treatments that probably would’ve made me a more masculine person, but I think that in the rush to prevent

Let us know when you get to the second true thing.

I find it important to note, about these anti-trans bills: They aren’t simply against trans people / children.

That’s disgusting, what sites should I avoid to make sure I don’t see it?

What a great response. The worst I’ve ever really had to deal with are the hiccups in the launch days for WoW’s expansions, and honestly I always understood it. It was frustrating, but you knew why it was happening and that it would be fixed shortly. People just need to cool their jets a little bit and let things play

And a Friday afternoon star for you! Really cool insight.

Well put.

Good for you! Hope you’re more comfortable in your skin today and even more comfortable tomorrow.

Just a word of caution: If you do go down the route of shrooms or similar, be in the right mindset. I cried a lot when I did it and felt a lot of stuff, but it was really catharic. I was in a good place to try a full

^^^^ as someone who is against guns in general, this guy is the only one in this whole thread who deserves to have a gun.

I’ve been around guns all my life— both of my parents are CPL holders and have active interests in firearms. Your comment has been the thing they’ve said on repeat for decades.

Amen! Preach!!!

This right here. Never point a gun at someone and always keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire. That’s literally the first thing they (instructors, friends, shooting range etc) teach you.

This is the simple truth. 

THANK YOU. I’ve always believed that a gun should be treated like it is loaded and ready to fire whether it is or isn’t. I haven’t had ammunition for my .380 for years but if I hold it you bet your ass it’s pointed at the ground at all times.

Would this technically make the cat intersex? No official answer from Epic, alas, but I’m going to go with the personal theory that the cat is a trans guy, because it makes me happy to think so. This is my fandom now.

my permanent motto for this is simple:

A list of my most played steam games:

I mean, tell that to the racist pieces of trash who use a heel persona as cover for their behavior. I should emphasize, I don’t think this is a CEO problem—it’s a problem with the whole community. Shocking, though, that the community which has historically locked women out and has long defended misogyny as necessary