Iron Marla

I only have my favorite Titan, who is an absolute murder engine that doesn’t realize she is capable of being killed in combat and goes hard 100% of the time. It’s a ton of fun.

From the trailer, it looks a lot like the story is going to be in part about his upbringing, which... is definitely going to be a trans story.

While I agree that a compelling narrative and a good game would be nice, I basically never hear this same thing in exclusively hetero/cis casts.

This is an important comment.

So like...

Not a trend, friend-o.

You know what?

While I don’t fault you for reporting on this, I feel like it would be just fine if this dude immediately returned to nobody-hood and stayed there after this little ‘stunt’.

One of the crucial things about having rules is that you can act as the arbiter for rules you control.

The whole concept of ‘spoilers’ seems to me like a pretty obvious attempt to corner the market at newness and foster FOMO in hopes that people will make purchases during the $60 phase instead of waiting for prices to ramp down.

To rend one’s enemies is to see them not as equals, but objects—hollow of spirit and meaning.

I was with you right up until ‘you earned it by deciding to get political’.

A lot of this has actually been cleared up in the latest patch, honestly.

I dunno, man.

Happy trails, Quimby.

Illiterate Dullard Suspicious About Books

This is a pretty bad take.

If you can’t get at a given set of sites on a school-issue laptop, the answer can often be to boot to a System Rescue CD, either by CD or by thumbdrive.

The thing about this for me is more or less as follows:

Am... am I getting old?