
“So HappyNewTeslaOwner, why did you come down to my office today, knee hurting again?”

Not one that I told but one my dad told me.

“Hey honey, gotta work on the car today. This should only take me an hour or so, and I’ve got everything I need already.”

Everyone here is wrong (as usual). You need this 2015 Dodge dart. Cosmetic damage only, $3900.00. I wouldn’t waste your time with the carfax.

Clearly this car delivery guy has a day job and just delivers cars on the side.

I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future engineers learn about in class.

I was riding down the side of a country road on my bike. Not a motorcycle, a legitimate bicycle with 14 speeds, skinny tires, and me in a lot of spandex. A County Sheriff blows past me, makes a u-turn, then comes up beside me and signals for me to pull over.

Dude. They sell these on eBay all day long. They should have just outsourced.

It’s a little disconcerting to be able to distinguish individual components of your running gear. Needs more rust.

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...

We’ve dubbed this man “Shift Bae” in the office.

Joke’s on you buddy, I’m eight feet tall.

All you’d have to do is park it for a day or two and look at it from time to time.


So the second one is the encore Encore?

My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.

A photo of the wheels on LongbowMkII’s car....

Per this Lifehacker post: