People who hate all lawyers because they’ve been told to suck and are boring too.
People who hate all lawyers because they’ve been told to suck and are boring too.
well, in our defense, i don’t give a shit that you ride a motorcycle, either.
Okay. As someone who used to read Bill Simmons religiously, whatever style of writing he ushered in as an unapologetically enthusiastic fan writing from a personal perspective that helped end the days of the pompous, annoyingly overliterate sports columnist is done better by many nowadays. His writing is bad. I…
Bless your heart for thinking this’ll make even a slight bit of difference to his base.
I assume these theories all spring from the same source, because I find it hard to believe there are 3 fans of Kevin Can Wait.
It’s become a groupthink echo chamber, like Breitbart for the far left. I’m a godless pinko liberal myself, but extremism of any sort, left or right, is noxious and easily dismissed, betraying the very causes they purport to endorse.
This is Belicheck basically casting him down with the sodomites. Like he was saying “here. go enjoy your winter in Cleveland, asshole.”
The Jez generation have been trained to parse every image and utterance for transgression against the new orthodoxy. This goes for everything from old TV shows to family photos to commercials to whatever you put in front of them. They can’t just switch it off. It’s always running, it’s reflex.
Do people ask their fleshlights or vibes if they are okay with penetration? If not, the question has already been answered.
The Prestige TV Show Hot Take Economy is extremely bad and dumb, but so is arguing that the way that we talk about and depict our world in fiction is irrelevant and not worth talking about in general. Granted that many people do it in a way that is stupid and wearying - that doesn’t invalidate the broader principle…
Bullshit. The police have to keep everyone there and figure out what happened. He wasn’t charged, wasn’t even taken away from the scene. This is how it’s supposed to work. He’s a hero and the cops did a good job too.
But he wasn’t irrationally cuffed. You’re getting to judge the situation after the fact and with a whole lot of info and a video. The cops that show up have little info to go off of when they get a call. They don’t know who did what, said what or in what order it all happened in. Given the confined space and lack of…
As long as Andrew Miller doesn’t kick anybody in the dick, I think they’re ok.
The same way Warriors fans did when they were up 3-1. You guys have it wrapped up.
I made my dad marry my mom
Candy corn is glorious. I propose that anyone who doesnt like candy corn to send them to my home
Little known fact — Scarface was set in Miami, OH
If you are raiding your kid’s piggy bank for change, the coat hanger is a few years too late.
I care.