
These are ‘workers’ that saw their coworkers suspended for actions not officially documented or communicated to them. They threatened to boycott. Their employer was pressured to release information, and deemed that a better approach than finding a new workforce. The workers got to view official documentation and found

I find it hard to be critical of them for this move. Ok, the cops said there’s not enough evidence to press charges, but the university issued suspensions anyway... I get how a team of barely post-adolescent guys would get riled up and protest. And now that factual evidence has been released, they realize that it’s

This seems like a fair approach that every human should take towards accusations. Thank you for your contribution to human development today. Unless that was an attempt at humor... then I don’t get it.

Ages 3 to 10 - Komodo Dragon. Why not turn it into a real test of survival.

Except for that pesky Olympic Gold Medalist.... 

Are you a man who wear’s women’s clothes? Totally cool if you are, but if not, why not?

Right, to humiliate him by making him wear women’s clothes, which most men would find embarrassing... because they think women are bad?

“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” - Plato

Bridezilla will take my beard off my cold dead face. you can tell your groomsmen / maids what to wear but you ask them to trim, not get rid of, a defining facial feature.

It certainly is unethical to remove parts from cars before selling them! How can Jalopnik readers be outraged by this

They guy you’re yelling at never claimed that the complaint was legit. Pointing out that he was complaining was only mentioned in the context of “no, he wasn’t blaming the defenders”

No one is saying it’s not as bad. There can still be valid outrage and disgust while acknowledging the facts. The fact being it wasn’t penetrative sexual assault.

I have two points for you.


What you’ve got to do is cut the hamstring on the back of his leg right at the bottom. He’ll never play basketball again, because his weight displacement goes back, all his weight is on his right foot, and he’ll push everything off to the right. He’ll never come through on anything. He’ll quit the game.

There was a long ESPN piece on him at the start of the year that said that he’s so emotionally volatile that sometimes teammates, Klay especially, can’t stand him. They love his talent but fear he’s going to ruin everything with his attitude and ego (and partying).

C’mon. The guys aren’t that good looking.

If this is a movie review, why did you devote half of its space to repeating gossip about an actor’s personal life. I don’t support (any) Affleck either. In fact, they’re both dicks. But make up your mind what you are reporting: a movie’s merits or a tabloid snatch ‘n grab.

Good Lord, you’re a beautiful, brilliant Brazilian!!!

I know they’re not charging anything for it, but this is EA, it still feels like their marketing team had a closed door, off the record meeting about how this could drive sales.... color me skeptical