
I’d be curious to know the average misestimation when spotting out of bounds punts. I’d guess it’s at least five yards.

Well said.

Tone it down, Billy Badass.

1) I’m not “mocking the sentiment” that the NFL is fucked up for chewing up and spitting out young men in the name of profit (I’m agreeing with it). I’m mocking Deadspin for their hypocrisy in criticizing the NFL for it, then turning around and attempting to profit off the same violence with regular posting of big

Hey, readers! Here at Deadspin, we think it’s absolutely terrible the way the NFL profits from the mangled brains and bodies of these young men. It’s so wrong.

I can’t begin to fathom how controlling and self-centered a person must be to request beard-shaving. And delusional. Apparently, the bride thinks anybody will give a shit what the groomsmen look like or that it will affect their enjoyment of the day.

You’re confusing legal with ethical.

I’ve only got 6,000 miles on my 2016 GTI so I’ve got nothing to add regarding reliability, but damn do I love that car!

Halls of Fame are awesome.

“Granted with the internet featuring every stat and video instantly available, I’m not sure why anybody needs a hall of fame in 2016 to begin with.”

I just finished the article you recommended.

Can somebody clarify . . .


Damn, you mad.

Is there anything more exciting than ending a tense regular season and killing that momentum with a month of inaction?

Yeah, I think you’re right. Those are clearly ass implants.

Just curious why you dismissed my innocuous comment that read:

Thanks. I’ll go check it out.

Ass implants, 100%.