
He threw 20 pitches, which is probably less than his workout on an off day.

But, what do they serve as a side when you order the “Ranch and Gravy Combo Platter” as your main? Mayo?

Artists should evolve.

It’s seriously exhausting, and more importantly, detrimental to the causes they think they’re championing.

I feel like perhaps you haven’t been watching the election.

Not very big league. I take third whenever I want. Sad!

No shit (I say nicely).

Ten days ago, I was feeling pretty smug.

“One of the biggest predictors of a Trump voter is that they never left their hometown.”

You literally wrote, “I just hope [that if I were to die while high on drugs] they won’t waste their time moralizing over how complex my desire to enjoy life was.”


C’mom. I also enjoy drugs, but if you killed yourself while driving drunk, you don’t think your family would both intensely miss you and be epically pissed at your monumental selfishness?

They’re such bastards!

Fair point, though I never claimed they were.

I made America Great.

This take is so lukewarm, it’s scorching hot!

“the post would be just another line item that you would dismiss.”

Who says they have to show it? They could do what newspapers do and just write about it.

I’d agree with you if they only provided reporting on the hit. When you start including embedded video, I think it becomes thornier.

Serious question . . .