Your wife won’t let you wipe cum off your dick?
Your wife won’t let you wipe cum off your dick?
“researchers from Northwestern determined that injuries to the patellar tendon are the hardest injuries for NFL players to recover from.”
You seem like an unpleasant person.
Right before the debates, when Trump had essentially pulled even, I ranted/pleaded for Hillary to step up her game. I was incredulous that despite her experience and resources, she couldn’t take Trump down. I really thought she and her campaign were blowing it.
You’re all over this thread, calling Fitzgerald a “Manic Pixie Dream Girl,” despite the fact that she had almost nothing in common with that trope.
Came here to say the same thing.
“[I] want movies with new and interesting storylines rather than the same ol’ tragic white woman story.”
Having sex with another professional from your industry who has been extensively tested, and doing so in a safe environment is not the same as fucking a random guy for money, even if they have some things in common.
If that’s your thing, you can save time and money by visiting the comment section at Breitbart.
Needs more Yakety Jax.
The camera is one difference; it’s not the “only” difference.
You’re intentionally conflating the job of an actress with the job of a prostitute. You know there’s a difference.
A lot of adult actresses escort on the side and $10,000 for a date is pretty standard.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
It’s always “Big League.” Lots of articles about it.
He’s definitely the kind of guy who’d force a woman into having an abortion, but he’s also a weirdo, germaphobe, so I wouldn’t be surprised if all of his flings included condoms.
Short of a videotape of Trump assaulting a woman (as opposed to the one where he merely brags about assaulting women), what would constitute “actionable” to you?
“Syrian refugee crisis terrible, but Speedo stock sure to rise.”