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These are also people who paid into SS and taxes knowing they’d never see any of it. It will cost this country BILLIONS in lost revenue.

He’s also a liar who lied to Congress about his collusion with Russia.

This administration is more willing to protect statues and monuments of racists than actual people whose lives are going to be torn apart by this.

2018 and 2020, people. Protesting won’t win this. Voting will.

Sessions said that ending DACA would ensure the “rule of law” and protect American citizens from “crime, violence, and terrorism.”

After reading his brief statement, Sessions declined to take questions.

Exactly. This is pure racist spite that will hurt the economy and destroy hundreds of thousands of families for no discernible upside. I think it’s time to admit that Trump is a white nationalist and his party is a white nationalist party. The GOP can’t even hide behind “law and order” on this one- it’s just

Someone said once that Trump is every Disney villain ever. It is deeply disturbing that we have somewhere between 20 to 30 percent of people living in this country who have a moral compass so warped that they have completely distorted the very notion of basic good and bad they learned in kindergarten.

This is so massively monumentally fucked up. They want to deport the very people they have been requiring to self-report every two years and charging more than $400 each for the privilege. They are working and going to school and following all the fucking rules! These kids have been giving the federal government their

He just wants to get rid of everything was created by the black guy.

Most of the people protected under DACA have no connection to the countries they would be forced to return to, and separating families in such a brutal manner even looks bad to the GOP.

So Trump’s version of kicking “bad guys” out of the country is to remove protections for dreamers who contributed 2 billion annually in taxes, have an employment rate of 91%, and have no criminal record?

It cannot be understated the degree to which Calvin’s theology fucked up Christianity and western civilization in general.

The Marlins ownership situation is pretty much ruining several teams’ hopes for adding an impact bat.

Really, this must have been LeBron’s dream outcome from the very beginning of his return to Cleveland:

Paul Ryan asking for civility is like a murderer asking his stabbing victim to “use their inside voice” while they scream out in pain.

motherfucker probably has terrible gym etiquette. clean up your sweat you privileged piece of shit

“Please just die quietly” - Ryan